Monday, January 14, 2008

Is it 2009 yet?

I just got to reading all your posts. Cheryl, the photos of the hike are amazing, I really hope to get to San Fran one day soon.

Brandi, I guess congratulations are in order but I'm not really sure... I just hope everything works out the way you want it to.

I miss all our time together so much. This has been the busiest season and work is so stressful right now. I'm having a hard time approaching things with wisdom and patience but have to press on. Maybe a career change is in order.

Not much other than that to report on this end. I can use a massage and some harmony right about now.

I hope all you ladies are doing well.

Much love,

Monday, January 7, 2008

Birthday Hike

As promised, here are the pictures from my birthday hike. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, but I had planned to do this hike, so around 10am (after my Dad called to wish me Happy Birthday!) I laced up my hiking shoes, filled my water bottle (thanks, Mii Amo) and headed out. It was cold, but the sun was shining and it was too nice out to spend the morning inside. I hadn't been to this trail in a few years. It was more beautiful than I remembered -- I realized that Land's End is my favorite place in San Francisco and I was so happy that I had decided to spend part of my birthday there. The only way it could have been more perfect is if you all had been with me. The whole adventure took about an hour and a half with the vista gazing and labyrinth walking. My legs were shaking by the end because there is a lot of up and down on the trail, but I felt great! Later that afternoon I met a couple friends for tea at Samovar Tea Lounge. All in all a pretty good birthday!

Not Expecting the Unexpected

Hi Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful Holiday! Well, Christmas turned out to me more exciting than I thought. After opening gifts, Marc and I decided to go for a bike ride at Ft. Lauderdale beach. On the return portion, Marc had a flat tire and so we pulled onto a side street to change it. I had all of the extra tubes and tools so when I went to pull them out, there was a box. Next thing I know Marc is on one knee. Just a little background info, Marc and I met on a bike ride. As we talked about at Mii Amo, I have some reservations about the relationship. I think more than anything, I don't trust myself to make a serious commitment right now. To make a long story short, I accepted the proposal but we had a long talk about what I was feeling. Everything is out in the open. I can honestly say I never saw it coming! There is no talk of a wedding or future plans. We are just taking it one day at a time. I guess time will tell.
Love and Light to all!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Don't lose that MiiAmo feeling...

I know it's hard but, let's remember how focused we all felt just a few short weeks ago.
Pick up the new issue of Body and Soul magazine. Some great articles and ideas for the New Year.

More from me very soon...

Stuck in NYC

Ok ladies...i LOVE nyc, but...i'd still rather be in sedona right now. just not in Harmony with Gouda. that's his official name now b/c i can never remember what it was, and cheese seems appropriate for right now. miss you guys! i wish you all much happiness and love... and a fantastic 2008.
ps---Cheryl--your pix look amazing...they are popping with color!
pss -- i gained 7 lbs from that healthy, organic food. might have been the wine and the chocolate banana bread!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Welcome to our blog!

This blog is for the Sedona Seven to post updates, announcements, thoughts, questions or whatever they want to share with the group.